My name is James Conrad. I was born and raised in Carbondale, IL. Carbondale is about six hours south of Chicago, IL. We lived in a small house in the county. The weather in Carbondale was intense, the summers were hot and insanely humid, and the winters were frigid. One winter there was an ice storm, it was so amazing to see all the tree just covered in ice, it was like a winter wonder land, but you latterly could not get anywhere, because everything was completely frozen. 

The summer of 2017 my family and I moved to College Station, TX to help start a church call Christland. The church that my family went to in Carbondale was called Vine Church. Vine Church was at one point 1,700 people. Vine Church is apart of a nameless network of about 20 churches. Our network of churches strongly believes in planting churches in college tones. My family prayed about helping to plant a church, and we felt like God wanted my family to help plant Christland in College Station, TX, so my mom began to look for jobs in College Station and I as well. June 7th, 2018 my family and I moved to College Station, and couple of days after my mom stared her job. A month or two later I got a job at Altitude Trampoline Park in College Station, TX. 

The thing that I liked to do and miss the most about Carbondale was, go hiking with friends at Giant City State Park. The Carbondale University (SIU Southern Illinois University) is known as party school. It gets pretty intents around Halloween, because a great amount of college students go out to parties and bars. My family includes my mom, three brothers named Christopher, Larry, and Jaymel. I am the second youngest, Christopher is the oldest, and Jaymel is the youngest and three year old dog named Benji. He is so energetic. I think Benji is a beagle mix. My goals for college is to get good grades and graduate with a major in Digital Arts, Arts Academic college; try to learn and grow as an adult, and try to find a career that I find very intriguing. My goals for beyond college is to get a job the really enjoy, get married, and travel around the world. I would like to have two children a girl and boy, fingers crossed.

 Some things that I am good at, I am good at taking photos, what I like to photos of the most is of nature and landscapes. One of my hobbies is photography, another hobby is art like crafts, and interior design things like wall art. During my sophomore year at Carbondale Community High School, I was chosen as best dress out of my class, and so I had to choose my go to outfit and have my picture taken for the yearbook. I thought it was pretty cool that the school dose that, because I myself like fashion. Born and raised in Carbondale, IL and I could not wait to see what lies a head. 
